Sunday, August 30, 2009

A Reason to Brag? We'll See...

I really enjoy hearing about the trials and tribuations of married couples...and by trials and tribulations I mean, the things husbands do/don't do that drive us nuts and make us wives ask, "when will he get it?!?"

Well, I definitely have my share of these type of stories (sorry hon, but don't feel bad...not very many!). BUT with that being said, I must admit I was pleasantly surprised when my husband told me a week ago that he had planned a three day trip for me as a little birthday celebration. Could it be that he took the initiative to plan something entirely without my help? I mean, I AM the planner. I'm the one that picks the dates, picks the place, finds the hotel, figures out what activities we're going to do, packs the bags....Soon shows up and we have a great time. But I think its a nice treat to not have to be the planner.

Now I know what some of you are thinking. "I wouldn't want my husband planning anything out of fear of what he'd plan." Well, that HAS crossed my mind and don't get me wrong, he DID pick a place that he really likes too (I mean it's not like he planned a trip for us to Paris...HAHAHAHA...yeah, that will never happen. Hon, want to prove me wrong?? hehehe)

We're going back to Atlantic City...our home away from home (it seems that way sometimes). I can't complain because over the years they have really built it up and there's tons of stuff to do. There's GREAT food, GREAT shopping, the beach, casinos, etc. It's just a fun place to go when you want a quick getaway, but you don't want to be too far away. (Stay tuned, we're going to Boston in the fall...the car ride alone will be interesting! I think it's 8 hours...)

So anyway, this time, he's made the hotel reservation, picked the restaurants, figured out what we're going to do and according to him, has a couple surprises planned (scary?).

And YES, we're taking baby girl!! That could be a whole other blog!

All you moms out there know what it takes to travel with kids...especially a baby, since they typically have more needs. So, at the crack of dawn Iwent to the grocery store, came home and started making the purees for the next two weeks, finished Maddie's laundry, started laying out all of her stuff that we need to take (I always make a list because I swear I still have a "pregnant brain"). Right now the table is covered with containers of baby food, bottles, stacks of burp cloths, baby towels/washcloth, diapers, wipes, bumbo, handful of her favorite toys, clothes, pajamas, socks, bibs, bottles water, formula, cereal, spoons/bowls...

So yes, it's incredibly thoughtful and unexpected for my husband to plan a trip, but would it be too much to ask for him to do all the "pre-work" next time as well?? HA!

I'm excited about the trip and I'm sure I'll have lots to talk about when I get back and hopefully some pictures to go along with it!


  1. don't forget to take pics and post 'em when u get back!

  2. Fun!! Hey one tip that Bobby and I have found useful when traveling with Kaylie, we pack just enough diapers and wipes to get us there, then we just buy a small pack when we get there to give us enough for the duration of the trip. Saves a lot of space in our bags!!! :) hope you have a blast and nice weather!!!

  3. Yay! Sounds like fun!! Last time I went to AC, I went with a couple and their newborn baby, and I helped throughout the trip, it's totally doable! You all will have a blast, take pics and post please!


  4. great site, sounds like fun

    come check out the first ever fashion blog from a guys POV, let He know what you think
